2020 was the first year our strategic Severo Ochoa programme was implemented, with the aim of promoting interdisciplinary science and its translation. Throughout the year, we recruited the leaders and research staff of the three new cross-cutting groups: eHealth, led by Guillaume Chevance; Health Impact Assessment, led by Davide Rasella; and Data Science, led by Paula Petrone.
We also created two cross-programme, cross-faculty hubs in key research areas where ISGlobal has established itself as a leader: the exposome and implementation science. With the Health Research Center at Manhiça (CISM), Mozambique, we established an environmental health collaboration and set up a monitoring station near Manhiça, for collecting data on air pollution. The program also carried out activities towards promoting gender equity and open access in research, reinforced e-learning capabilities, launched an International PhD Call in Global Health which attracted more than 400 applicants, and funded five workshops on active transport, planetary health, exposome research, particulate matter, and COVID-19 elimination.