Our activities in 2020 were mostly focused on translating scientific evidence to support the COVID-19 response and on expanding our global presence and activities.
Regarding COVID-19, we produced a series of Policy Briefs with the goal of providing policy makers and civil society with timely, concise and evidence-based answers to key questions regarding the pandemic response (1). We also participated in the “The Day After”, an initiative launched by multiple actors to draw lessons from the crisis. In one year, the platform has fostered numerous debates, workshops and a project incubator (2). We also provided technical support, via the UNPD, to different countries in Central America regarding their COVID-19 response. Thanks to this and other actions, we are expanding our presence in Latin America. With help from Spanish cooperation, we are developing projects in Paraguay, as well as in Morocco.
![Photo by the United Nations](https://2020.isglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Imagen_SDGs_web.png)
We are increasingly involved in European projects linked to cooperation, policy and translation, such as the Health Environment Research Agenda for Europe (HERA), mental health in a Spanish COVID-19 cohort (CONTENT), or nature-based solutions to promote social cohesion and quality of life (RECETAS). Together with the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), we reviewed evidence on the correlation between the environment and mental health and well-being in Europe (3).
Within the institution, we continued our efforts aimed at integrating the SDGs in our strategy plan and projects. Finally, we have facilitated numerous outreach activities on global health issues, including past, current and future pandemics.